The Lady and the Cat
They say image is everything but this isn't what this is about. This is more about the fact that an image can stick with us long after it is removed from our eyes. The memory lingers in our mind.
That happened Yesterday before 10 am. It is not almost two the following day, but it's still burned in my mind. On my way in to do readings, I took a road I usually wouldn't take. It was a four-lane road, with two lanes on either side and a turn lane in the middle. The red brake lights illuminated, and the cars in front of me slowed down.

Celebrating a Muse
I created the character of Russell Langford. He was just a very minor character and I didn't think I would use him again. After I released my book I was stuck. Nothing was coming, so in January 2020 I sat down and started creating character bibles for Nigel, Ava, and Johnny, and suddenly Russell found his voice. I thought what the heck? This wasn't right, but there he was dressed in the guise of Michael Hutchence.
@2024 D. M. Needomfor Blog post I am not the owner of the photograph and no infringement was meant.

What’s Up Bra?
I remember in the ’70s when Charlie’s Angels came out, and there was Jaclyn Smith in the opening credits in that white swimsuit. I wanted that swimsuit, but my mother told me I didn’t have anything to hold it up. The almost Fifth grade me didn’t think to retort that the strings would hold it up. However, that comment would be one I would come back to her several times in my life. I would show her something and say I have enough to hold it up and she would tell me, “You have too much now.”
When I would go to town with my Gram to get her hair done at Krauss on Canal Street in New Orleans, the ladies lingerie department was in front of the salon. I remember seeing bras that were like double J. I was amazed even though I was still wearing a training bra. By the way, what is the real purpose of a training bra? What are you preparing yourself for? The elastic torture that will be in your future or is that no one sees your little breast buds? Whatever it is pretty ridiculous.

The magnitude of what had happened didn’t hit me until I was on my way home. The two-lane road was dark except for my headlights and an occasional streetlight. A song played on the radio but seemed to blend from one to the other. I had done this before on other occasions, but somehow this experience resonated much differently.
As I walked the halls of the hospital, the white cotton cord cutting into my hand from the weight of his belongings, I knew there was a difference.

Insanity’s Victim
A man who once had everything was now sitting in his castle with nothing. It wasn’t a real castle; it was just a home, a McMansion some would say, but it was his. Well, not actually, he only owned half the bank, owned the rest.
He poured himself another glass of Jack Daniels and thought of all that he had. A beautiful wife of twenty-plus years, she had been gone for two months. His son, the boy he was so proud of, was starting

Haunted Thoughts
Even though you are long gone, there is always a moment when I find you sneaking back in. I fight to push your words from my mind. Some were true, but others were lies. Lies that wouldn’t be discovered until long after you died.
The innocence you gave. The innocence you took and felt no blame. Who were you to say the things you did? Who were you to treat even yourself or me that way? You struggled so much in life, I just hope death is much more comfortable?

Lost in the Canvas
I stood there holding the lamp that I carried all night. My arm was tired, but then so was I. Civilization had to be near, didn’t it? Where could the world have gone?
When I woke in the burning, blistering sun of the desert, I wondered how I got there. The last thing I remembered was going to bed safe in sound in my home. Yet, when I woke, my life was turned upside down. Everything I knew was gone. Life no longer had the same meaning.

The Tomb
The letter about the rent increase for my storage unit prompted me to do something that so many had told me to do before, clean it out. My father had said, as well as many others that if it had been there for all those years, I didn’t need it. I made excuses and kept paying the monthly charge; after all, there was furniture there and things, my things, things from my stepdaughters, ex-husband, and my mother. The last time I’d been there before now was two years ago. With me longing to leave Chicago and move to LA it was time to get rid of the excess baggage.

25 Questions with Ava Richards
1.Tell me a little bit about yourself?
I was a singer and bassist in my brother’s band until he and the guitarist moved to LA. After they moved, my mother and stepfather passed tragically. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but my BFF Mindy entered me in The Model Of The Moment contest and my life completely changed. I met a wonderful man, Russell Langford. He almost seems to be good to be true. No matter, I’m enjoying writing music with him and looking forward to going into the studio in the future with him.
2.Why did you choose this author to tell your story?
I guess I feel connected to her. Like she would totally understand where I’m coming from.
3. Describe your best and worst attributes?
Best attribute, that no matter what has happened, I keep going. The worst attribute would be myself doubt.
4. What is your biggest weakness?
A guy with a brilliant smile and killer eyes. If they’re kind and my heart takes over, I’ll dive right in.
What is your hidden talent?

Your Choices Matter
So this week as you go about your daily grind. Stop and think about your choices. They may seem simple or mundane but just remember for every action there is a reaction.

I have a client that I’ve read for a few years. Recently, they brought something to my attention that I find very interesting. They stated that the people who have come up in their reading were not something of this real world but more of their thoughts, hopes, and fears.
This is something that I’ve often wondered about when I got my first few readings. Can a reader pick up subconscious thoughts? After all, our thoughts and words have power, so if we believed in something so strongly could we not bring it to pass in a reading? After all, in a Celtic Cross, there is a position for hopes and fears. When I do a reading, I don’t have this position in my spread. It is more about what the client needs to know. So this really doesn’t give me the answer I’m seeking.

Place yourself in a situation where you’ve suddenly lost your spouse. We’ll say they were the love of your life. Now you have three days to make arrangements, go to the wake, go to the funeral, and deal with the new reality of having no partner. While also trying to figure out your next move, for not only you but in some cases, your kids. The stress and depression can be crushing, but hey three days later you better be at work, and please don’t have a meltdown.

2021 Was a Gift
Facebook has reminded me in the last few days of 2021 that we’ve been having tough years as far back as 2016. I’m not making light of struggles and strife, it is just strengthening us to be more resilient. I admit 2020 was a total suck fest for most of us. However, I made it through. The end of 2020 helped me come to where I knew I needed to make changes. It gave me the courage to take the leap in 2021

Death Came To Visit
Death came to visit my home when I was a junior in high school, yet I didn’t wish to let it in. My mother got up one Saturday morning shortly after Valentine’s Day in 1984. For me that morning was like most others. I got up and was eating breakfast and watched television with my younger step-brother. The peace of the morning didn’t last long as my mother and step-father started screaming at each other. She was mad because he had sent his ex-wife a dozen long stem roses for the holiday. My mother got nothing.

It Used To Be Easy
We look at our limitations and see what appears to be mountains to overcome. Sometimes, that’s very true, but in other cases, it’s only our mind that is setting those limitations. Yet, we allow others to determine our limitations. We learn that lesson at a very young age when our parents and teachers set expectations they have for us. Is it wrong that our parents wanted us to succeed? Is it wrong for us to do the same to our children?

I Don’t Want To Leave You
When you look at the person you love, knowing their time is limited, you try to appreciate every moment you have with them. However, at the same time, you wonder if today is the last day.
As their panic rises, you feel helpless as their tears flow. You want to help them, but sometimes you just can’t. You’re helplessly begging, pleading for someone to come in and calm them. Fear burns inside you that their panic may cause another heart attack, especially as they clench at their chest.