25 Questions with Wes Blenkenship
25 Questions with Wes Blenkenship
7. Tell me about your significant other.
Wes: That’s an interesting question since we recently broke up, but we plan on being friends. Jenn was my everything. She was my biggest supporter, the one person that always believed in me. That wasn’t all, when she looked at me with those soulful brown eyes she could make me do anything. Her laugh was infectious and sure to put a smile on my face. There was something about being in her arms that offered me comfort. However, while it may sound like we were just a sweet couple, that couldn’t be further from the truth. She could get me going just by looking at her body. While it might not seem polite when we played pool after the gigs, I always wanted to take her on the table. There were so many reasons we couldn’t after all she was a celebrity and people would talk. So, I’d hold off until we were home and then we’d- Well, a gentleman never tells that’s the author’s job.
8. Do you consider yourself to be a “good person”?
Wes: Yes. I could’ve punched Mason many times, but I’ve restrained myself. Seriously though, I’m a pretty simple guy. I’m always trying to do the right thing and make people happy.