What’s Up Bra?
I remember in the ’70s when Charlie’s Angels came out, and there was Jaclyn Smith in the opening credits in that white swimsuit. I wanted that swimsuit, but my mother told me I didn’t have anything to hold it up. The almost Fifth grade me didn’t think to retort that the strings would hold it up. However, that comment would be one I would come back to her several times in my life. I would show her something and say I have enough to hold it up and she would tell me, “You have too much now.”
When I would go to town with my Gram to get her hair done at Krauss on Canal Street in New Orleans, the ladies lingerie department was in front of the salon. I remember seeing bras that were like double J. I was amazed even though I was still wearing a training bra. By the way, what is the real purpose of a training bra? What are you preparing yourself for? The elastic torture that will be in your future or is that no one sees your little breast buds? Whatever it is pretty ridiculous.
It Used To Be Easy
We look at our limitations and see what appears to be mountains to overcome. Sometimes, that’s very true, but in other cases, it’s only our mind that is setting those limitations. Yet, we allow others to determine our limitations. We learn that lesson at a very young age when our parents and teachers set expectations they have for us. Is it wrong that our parents wanted us to succeed? Is it wrong for us to do the same to our children?