Breaking news and it is a very sad day indeed. Not sure, if you’ve heard, but Nigel Hartagan is officially off the market. Yes, I know I’m breaking millions of hearts, but it’s true, and no, he didn’t reconcile with Melinda Stone. Some may suspect that the lucky lady is Natalia, but it’s not.

This is where it gets interesting.

The last time I reported, yours truly told you about how Russell Langford seemed to step out on his wife Helen, with the newly crowned Model of the Moment winner, Ava Richards.

Whatever was going on between the pair has definitely come to a grinding halt as Ava eloped with Nigel Hartagan in Gibraltar on October 30th. Talk about a whirlwind courtship. In less than a month, Ava went from Russell to marrying Nigel. This couple was definitely not on my radar.

After all, it was just last month when Nigel proclaimed on M-TV that he wasn’t sure he would never get married and settle down. Maybe the truth there is that he meant that about Melinda, considering he is now a married man. Time will tell if this union lasts or if it was just a wild weekend that led to a Vegas-style quickie wedding. Of course, there could be more to it and this new couple had been secretly together for months before Ava ever won, if that’s the case that may be the reason for the quickie wedding. Maybe Ava’s expecting.

Oh, the scandal that would be, considering Melinda was hosting the contest. If Ava is expecting, then we’ll have to wonder who's the Daddy.

After all, she was sighted in New York and Paris with Russell Langford. They made the French tabloids as they were cozy and clubbing in Paris, as well as taking in the sites. Some might think Nigel might be getting trapped. However, maybe they are all in on it because we all know that Nigel and Sambuka wouldn’t be where they are if it wasn’t for Russell signing them.

No matter, one has to wonder what Ava Richards has to be able to get. Not one, but two of the sexiest men alive to follow her around the world. Maybe she’ll tell me the secret if I ask.

Catch you later with the hottest gossip.

Ta for now.



September 7, 1984