25 Questions with Ava Richards

25 Questions with Ava Richards

Written By D.M. Needom 8/5/2023

1.Tell me a little bit about yourself?

 I was a singer and bassist in my brother’s band until he and the guitarist moved to LA. After they moved, my mother and stepfather passed tragically. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but my BFF Mindy entered me in The Model Of The Moment contest and my life completely changed. I met a wonderful man, Russell Langford. He almost seems to be good to be true. No matter, I’m enjoying writing music with him and looking forward to going into the studio in the future with him.

2. Why did you choose this author to tell your story?

I guess I feel connected to her. Like she would totally understand where I’m coming from. 

3. Describe your best and worst attributes.

 My best attribute is that no matter what happens, I keep going. The worst attribute would be my self-doubt.

4. What is your biggest weakness?

A guy with a brilliant smile and killer eyes. If they’re kind and my heart takes over, I’ll dive right in.

What is your hidden talent?

I can do silly cartoon voices. I used to make my brother laugh all the time when I was doing them.

5. What is the worst pain you ever felt?

That’s a tough one. I know I should say when my mom died, but we didn’t have the best relationship. So I would say when Johnny, I mean my ex, except he wasn’t my ex at the time. He called and told me he was engaged. The funny thing is I thought we were.

 6. What is your greatest accomplishment?

Winning the Model of the Moment Competition and writing music with Russell Langford.

 7. Tell me about your significant other.

It’s complicated, so I can’t really say anything. He promises me he loves me and I want to believe him when he tells me all these plans, but I don’t know.

 8. Do you consider yourself to be a “good person”?

Yes, though I know some would say no since I’m seeing this guy. My mother would certainly have had choice words for me.

9. Who would you want to play you in the movie version of your life?

So, Michelle Pfeiffer, Olivia Newton-John, or Mary Catherine Stewart would be the perfect choices to play me, and I would be honored if any of them accepted the role. Though Michelle Pfeiffer would be my first choice. She’s so beautiful and I loved her in Grease 2. She can sing and dance as well so she would be the perfect choice.

10. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Both. However, extrovert when I’m up on stage and everything that leads up to it and even after you have to be on. People want a piece of you even when you’re just starting out. That being said, there are times when I am happy just to be alone with a book or hanging out with friends.

11. Do you consider yourself a hero? If so, why?

No, even when I tried to save my mom and get her to snap out of it, I couldn’t. Sometimes, I wonder if I can even save myself.

12. Tell me about your parents?

I’d rather not.

12a. Come on, just a little something.

As I said before, my mom and stepfather are dead. Dad is living his life. Next question.

13. Tell me about your house or apartment.

Can’t say much about the place as I haven’t seen it yet, but I know I’ll be moving into an apartment in Paris shortly and I can’t wait. Though I wish I was living in California as the man that I love, as well as my brother and friends are out there.

14. What are the five items you could never live without?

Hmmm, that’s a tough one. The floating heart that my gram gave to me for my birthday. That’s pretty important. My bass that Johnny gave to me. The bass pic I got from Nigel Hartagan after his show last year. That’s three. A letter my brother wrote for me when he was in 1st grade telling me how cool I was and how much he loved me. Last, a silk scarf that my boyfriend gave to me because he knew I wanted it. No one has ever paid that much attention to me.

 15. Do you have children?

No, I’m a little young for that. 

16. Do you want kids of your own?

I’m not sure I want them. The way my mom was and the way the world is, I’m not sure I want to bring kids into it. It might be best not to have them.

 17. What is your dream career?

To be a singer and actress, that’s all I’ve wanted since I was a little kid.

18. What are you most passionate about?

 Music and performing. There is nothing like being on stage and connecting with an audience. Especially when they sing along to a song you wrote. To hear your creation bringing joy to others is so one of the greatest feeling in life.

 19. What were you like in high school?

High school was a bit hellish after we moved my junior year. I lived out of the district, so other than a few select people, I had to lie. Which meant being very careful about friends and who you told. I trusted my circle once we got together, but those first few months of school were awful, plus coming from an all girl Catholic school, I had no clue how to dress or do my makeup. The guys took me to task and so did some of the other girls. I’d come home crying at times, but my mother never had time to talk. I was thankful for my BFF, Mindy and Johnny’s mom. They helped me navigate things.

 20. What scares you about your future?

That the guy I’m with is just playing a game and I’ll end up alone.

 21. What is your secret fantasy?

I dream about that quiet often, and that is being with Nigel Hartagan. Oh, the things he could do, but he is engaged, so he is off limits. If their relationship was in a bad way or it was open, things might be different, but now I will stick to it just being the fantasy. Besides, I know deep down he is an asshole and would break my heart. He’s best just to remain the fantasy of Thunder Fingers.

 22. What is your happiest childhood memory?

Eric and I riding the four wheeler and us both falling off into a giant mud puddle. While it was stupid, he swore he could get us out of the ditch without us getting off. The 4 wheeler had other ideas.

 23. Do you consider yourself to be a sexual “vanilla” or a more exotic flavor?

Pretty vanilla, though my stepfather would have said differently. Next question, as I don’t want to talk about that.

24. Do you have a kink or fetish? If so, why do you think that particular act is so exciting to you?

There are lots of fantasies I’ve had but I’ve done none of them, so not sure I have either, but I’m young and there is a lot of time to discover those things.

25. Where is the craziest place you have had sex?

I really haven’t. My ex wasn’t into strange things or public sex. The guy I’m seeing well, we’ve never done it yet. Maybe after we do it, I’ll have a better answer.


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